Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Madyx Faith

O.K. this post is mostly for me but you can read if you like. I promised myself that I would write down the details of Madyx's Birthday before they were gone from my memory. Her birth was such a good experience and I have been so blessed by this little miracle we call Boo. She is such a sweet baby! Here goes........

October 21st Malcham and I went to the hospital in Odessa TX to have our sweet baby girl. We were scheduled for 9 pm induction but ended up waiting until 11:30 because the rooms were all full. Once we got there and all of the paperwork done they started my labor with a pill called Cytotek. It is actually a drug that treats stomach ulcers but they found it to be effective at softening the cervix. Who would have guessed. Anyways, we both fell asleep and at about 2:45am my nurse came in and said you can sleep if you want but if you want to get this labor started you might want to get up and walk. So I did and it worked. I walked till about 3:10 am and let Malcham go back to sleep. I labored about 2 hrs by myself and then woke Malcham so he could be with me through the pain. It wasn't horrible pain yet but I still just needed him. We walked a bit more. I bounced on a birthing ball and crawled in and out of bed. In the morning I wanted my OB to come in and break my water because I knew once that was done I would progress very quickly. He told my nurse, who by the way was Romanian, and talked way to much , that he wanted to wait and see if my labor progressed by itself. Well around 10am my water did indeed break by itself. It felt like an explosion inside my body and Malcham said my whole body lurched forward like I had been shot. It didn't really hurt it was just very forceful. At first I thought the baby had kicked me but it was to low for that since she was face down. Then my second thought was that I was peeing on myself then I realized my water had broke. Malcham did not believe me because nothing was gushing. I usually have a tremendous amount of amniotic fluid. The problem was I was sitting on the birthing ball when it happened and was holding the fluid in. So when the nurse came in I stood up and the flood came. Labor really started at this point and once again it was some serious back labor. I was scared. Mylea was back labor and she came out sunnie side up. It was a difficult labor with her and I was so afraid of it happening again. I was about a 4 -5 cm when my water broke and within 1 hr. I was fully dilated and ready to push. Madyx was born at 11:18 am and I pushed a good 3 times and she came out. She was not born sunny side up and that became very evident when I started to push not near the pain. She took her first breath and let out a big cry and that was it. She was happy to be with us. It was the most natural labor I have ever had. No pitocin and the pill did not seem to give me more intense pain. It really was a very good experience. It's funny though when I had my first 3 kiddos I was very emotional when they came out. I cried with all 3. That changed when I had Mylea. I was in such pain and so relieved when she came out that no tears came. I was too relieved I guess. With Madyx the same thing happened I was emotional but I didn't cry. Malcham did though and it is so sweet to see him like that. Such a big guy but so tender when it comes to his children.
Madyx has been such a good baby. She sleeps 4 hours at a time and is so mellow. This just seems to easy. I am still waiting for the outburst or the difficult nights. She seems to have Mayci's temperment and is happy if she is full and dry. I usually have a hard time in the first few weeks of life but I am really enjoying my newborn. Maybe it's because I know what to expect or that I have learned how to enjoy it. Either way it has been a joy and I could keep her like this forever.



She is such a cute little Boo. We thought the nickname fit since she was born so close to Halloween.

The kids could not come and see us in the hospital thanks to the wonderful H1N1 virus. We had to stay in the hospital 48 hours which I have never done in the past. I always get out at 24 hours but this go round I had Strep B and they wanted to "observe" her for 48 hrs. So we stayed but the kids were going crazy by the time we got home on Saturday. They loved their sister instantly and immediatly had to have a turn holding her. We let them look at her for a while when she was in her car seat and almost all at once they wanted to see her feet. We took her sock off and all you could hear were the ooohs and awwws. It was cute. Here they are touching her feet.

My Mom stayed for the week to help out. She is amazing when I have a baby. She becomes super Mom cooking cleaning and taking care of the kids. She and Mylea got along very well this trip and over and over again she told my Mom, " My baby is cute. My Mommy made her for me." So cute. She has to hold the baby at least a dozen times a day. If I try to take the baby away she says Mom I'm not tired I am not done holding the baby. She is so happy to be a big sister.

Mayci of coarse became an instant mother. She makes sure that everyone washes their hands before they hold her and makes sure she never cries. Every morning she comes into the room jsut to check on the baby. Madyx will be upset Mayci will pick her up and she stops crying. She loves having a sister. I keep telling her Madyx will grow up thinking she has 2 mommies.

Morgann thinks Madyx is the cutest baby ever born. She tells me that daily. She also loves to hold her and really has a hard time sharing. It seems that whenever she holds her Mayci wants to hold her too. So she kindly tells her you have to wait her turn. Morgann loves to sing to her and if Madyx is awake she just stares at Morgann in awe.

Bubba also thinks she is pretty cool. He is not quite as hands on as the girls but still wants to hold her and gets very concerened when she cries. He also thinks she is very cute.

We are blessed!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Big Day Has Arrived!!!!!

Well today should be my last day of pregnancy. I am going to the hospital tonight around 9 pm to have our 5th baby. I am excited but very nervous all at the same time. I had a very painful natural birth with Mylea and I am planning on the same for this baby. BUT I am really nervous about the pain. I really want to be able to handle it but maybe it is really not worth it. I don't know. I figure that when I get there I will know what to do and what I can handle. Mylea was born "sunnie side up" and everyone says that makes it so much harder so maybe this baby will be in the right position and the pain will be a little more tolerable. I actually lost my mucous pug tuesday night. That has never happened to me before so I am hoping that my body is actually progressing. We shall see and I am planning on taking my computer to the hospital so we can post pics of the still unnamed baby M. Keep us in your prayers. More than anything we want a healthy baby girl. Until I am a mother for the 5th time............................

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Coolest Scar!

Here is a pic of Malcham's scar from his surgery. He is actually very proud of it. Anytime things are not going his way he grabs his side and says "OWW my side hurts" He knows how to get sympathy. It is starting to wear off though. We often wonder what story he will make up when he is older to explain the scar! We shall see.

We are going back to Houston for a check up on December 29th. We are going to make it a mini Christmas vacation and we will be bringing the whole family this time. Even the new baby M. We are so excited (especially me)!!

But before then we have to have this baby and move all within a few weeks of each other. Here is a pic. of our new house. I am happy to be out of the country and in a bigger home. It has the best back yard for the kids with the best grass and no stickers! They will be outside a lot.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Should we have the baby?

So I went to the OB today. He scheduled me for induction next Wednesday late like 8 pm. I am not sure how I feel about this. I really really want a completely natural birth. The problem..... I don't go into labor by myself. The only time I was close is when I had Morgann in Iowa. Still I had to be helped out a little. The other scary part is I am HUGE! Dr.'s always worry that the baby will be too big for me. I have 2 due dates the 23rd and the 27th. I will meet with the Dr. again next Tuesday and he said I could make up my mind then. Crazy! Not sure if this is what I am supposed to do. I guess I will know more next week. Anyway you look at it I am getting very close to having 5 children. AHHHH!